January 05, 2012

Uh, yeah.

Today has been kind of a pointless day.
Nothing exciting happened at work,
I did pick up some new books tho :D
Haul soon?!?
So, just as my day was, this photo is kinda pointless as well.
Just a random, pointless LEGO in my desk drawer :D
Maybe tomorrow's photo will be much more exciting, yeah?


January 04, 2012


My dog has gotten on my nerves/melted my heart/ticked me off/and shown crazy love to me today. All in a few hours.

First I get home and see him laying in a puddle of pee in his kennel... (bad dog)
Then, I drag the kennel outside to clean it (It's a HUGE kennel)
And come in the house and he is laying on my bed!! (did i mention he was covered in pee)
Then I give him a bath and he gives me the hugest puppy dog eyes ever.
He hates baths btw.
Then... to top it off he showers me while I shower him!!

and last but not least... he lays on the bed with me (after the bath/clean up) while I read <3

Hiding after the bath. I told you, he HATES them!!
Well that's all for tonight. Oh, besides the fact that now, 
I'm totally clueless as to which team I'm on now.



January 03, 2012

Hungry? Why wait...

Today's photo is a photo of the first book I have read this year. And I have to admit, the best book that I've read this year (hehe)

The first book in the Hunger Games Trilogy <3

This book has earned itself five stars from yours truly :D
Even tho Peeta has kinda showed his love for Katniss, I still have to admit, I'm rooting for Gale.

Enough said.

If you want to know my thoughts on this here book, please feel free to check out my video review :D
But wait!!
It's not up just yet, I will be filming it tomorrow. And you bet your bottom dollar I will leave the link for you in tomorrows post!

Now I'm off to find me a shirt to wear to the midnight premier. (before they all sale out)

Keep Calm, and may the odds be ever in your favor!!
(How you like them apples)


January 02, 2012

Roses are red...

Roses from my love :D
Ever wake up to a dozen roses? Well I did :D I must say, I didn't hate it! My husband has never been the "romantic type," so him bringing home roses was a BIG DEAL! So this is my photo for today :D

Woot Woot!!

On another note, I reached 50 subs today :D:D

STOKED!! (times ten)

I can't express how happy that makes me, and I have every single one of my fifty subs to thank for that so... ThankYou!!


January 01, 2012

Project 365!

What is project 365 you ask?

Well, if you must know. It's kinda sorta like a photo diary type thing. Does that make since? I hope so.
You (or whomever) post a photo of yourself, something you ate, did, or whatever floats your boat on facebook, twitter, tumbler, blogger or any other place your little heart desires for every day of the year. Simple as pie! Speaking of pie, why do people say simple as pie? Pie isn't really that simple. It should be "simple as popcorn!" Or that's what I think :D

Get It?
(I hope so)

So, in honor of the new year, here is my photo.

This photo was taken just a few minutes after midnight :D

So my friends, I hope you have a Happy New Year and a safe one!
